Note: We don't expect our customers to resolve their own issues. You can contact Pendo Support at any time to receive assistance with any issue you are facing, to provide feedback, ask questions, or just even just to say ‘Hi’! After all, we do love hearing from our customers.
One or more guides or guide steps aren’t appearing
Basic Configuration
Please confirm each of the following are true:
- The guides haven’t already been seen by the visitors
- The visitor is included in the guide’s targeted segment
- The guide isn’t being restricted by guide-throttling
- The page matches the page location of the first (or only) step of the guide
- The matched element is visible and the CSS selector is valid (if applicable)
- If using a programmatic activation, the proper method and parameters are used, i.e. pendo.showGuideById(‘GUIDE_ID’)
- The guide is accurately targeted to intended domain, public or staging
- The domain (public or staging) we are expecting aligns with the status of the guide
- The current date/time matches the schedule window of the guide (if applicable)
- The device settings under ‘Advanced’ are accurately assigned
- The correct guide transition type is selected
Multi-step guide left early by a user is reset to step 1
For multi-step guides, if you close the browser window or tab, Pendo remembers the guide step you were on for up to 12 hours. When you reopen the same Page or Product Area, the guide resumes at the last step you viewed. To retain progress, you must remain eligible for the guide segment, and no other guide activates within that 12-hour period. If you become ineligible, view another guide, or exceed the 12-hour limit, the guide resets to step 1.
Advanced Troubleshooting Items
The items below are intended for more technical users. Provide screen captures of the below console command results if you need to contact Pendo Support.
- If your application has iframes, note that the URL for the frame(s) is likely different than the URL shown in the browser navigation bar. Each of these underlying URLs will require an instance of the Pendo Snippet. Use
to determine how Pendo reads the page URL. - When opening the developer console, running
has results (Note:[ ]
is considered ‘no results’) andpendo.validateInstall()
shows accurate metadata.
The Guide Center isn’t appearing
Basic Configuration
Confirm each of the following are true:
- The Guide Center is active
- One or more visible guides have the ‘Guide Center’ activation method
- If the above is not the case, ensure at least one ‘What’s New’ or onboarding guide is visible
- The Guide Center meets all additional display criteria
Advanced Troubleshooting Items
The items below are intended for more technical users. Please feel free to provide screen captures of the below console command results if you need to contact Pendo Support.
- Open console and ensure
appears as one of the results when running the following command:pendo._.pluck(pendo.guides, 'name').
- Pendo is installed in the parent frame if your application uses iframes
- When opening the developer console, running
has results (Note:[ ]
is considered ‘no results’) andpendo.validateInstall()
shows accurate metadata.
Pendo data is missing or incomplete
Basic Configuration
Confirm each of the following are true:
- Verify date range and segment filters are displaying for the information we’re expecting to see
- The user, account, domain, and IP are not currently excluded
- The user, account, domain, and IP are currently included (if applicable)
- The top of hour processing time frame (30 minutes) has passed and expected data is not showing
- The API Keys inside your installed snippet are the same as the key listed in the Site Settings page
Pendo is causing issues for my product
If you determine Pendo is causing issues for your product, contact Pendo Support.
Confirm each of the following are true:
- If applicable, comment out any recent changes for Global CSS and confirm the issue is no longer present
- Open the console in your web-browser and verify the command
runs without error - Open the console in your web-browser and verify the console contains no errors related to the Pendo agent
- Change the suspected guide(s) to
and confirm that the issue is no longer present