Feedback and Roadmaps in Listen (formerly Discover) are different from the classic Pendo Feedback product and the Feedback Roadmaps feature. For information about releases in Classic Feedback and Feedback Roadmaps, see What's new in Feedback.
February 2025
Send email updates (beta)
We're testing functionality that allows you to send email updates to subscribers of a feedback item or idea in Listen. For more information, see Send update emails.
Feedback source management
You can connect multiple sources of feedback to Pendo Listen through the feedback source management page, accessed from the left-side menu: Listen > Feedback sources. For more information, see Add feedback to Listen.
January 2025
AI settings for guide poll and NPS responses sent to Listen
You can choose which guide poll responses and NPS survey responses to allow AI to analyze when you automatically send them to Listen. This allows Pendo to automatically create titles based on the responses for each feedback item created. For more information, see Send guide poll responses to Listen and Send NPS survey data to Listen.
Automation rules
The ability to define rules that automatically assign Apps, Product Areas, and labels to feedback as it comes in has transitioned from beta to generally available. For more information, see Manage feedback with automation rules.
December 2024
Send multi-poll guide responses to Listen
If you have a guide with more than one poll in it, you can send responses to the polls in your guide to Listen. Multiple polls from the same guide appear in one feedback item in Listen. For more information, see Send guide poll responses to Listen.
Send existing and future guide poll responses to Listen
You can send existing and future guide poll responses to Listen from either the guide itself or by connecting the guide as a source from Listen. For instructions, see Send guide poll responses to Listen.
November 2024
Collaboration in Listen
Using Pendo collaboration, you can add comments to feedback items and ideas in Listen. For more information, see Collaborate in Listen. For information about Pendo collaboration in general, see Take a tour of Pendo.
Send existing and future NPS survey responses to Listen
You can send NPS survey text responses as feedback items to Listen, along with the numerical NPS score that the respondent gave (on a scale of 0 to 10). You can then filter your NPS feedback by these ratings. For more information, see Send NPS survey data to Listen.
Pagination in tables
Table views of feedback items and ideas in Listen show a maximum of 50 rows at a time. You can use the arrows at the bottom of the table to scroll through more rows. For more information, see Manage feedback in Listen and Create and manage ideas.
October 2024
Resize the ideas portal in the Resource Center
You can change the default sizing of the ideas portal when you publish it from the Resource Center. For more information, see Engage users through an ideas portal.
Delete label categories
You can delete label categories that aren't being used by any saved feedback views or automation rules. For more information, see Organize Listen data with labels.
Edit label categories
You can edit the names of label categories without affecting the automation rules, feedback items, ideas, and saved feedback views the labels are associated with. For more information, see Organize Listen data with labels.
September 2024
Delete labels
You can delete labels that aren't being used by any saved feedback views or automation rules. For more information, see Organize Listen data with labels.
Ideas portal
The ideas portal is a new feature in Listen, designed to encourage in-app engagement with your visitors. Present the ideas that you curate in a customized ideas portal to elicit feedback on them. You can create and share multiple portals through Resource Centers, guides, and your own application. For more information, see Engage users through an ideas portal and Customize your ideas portal.
Add ideas to roadmaps
You can add ideas to your roadmaps to communicate with internal stakeholders what ideas you're evaluating before committing them to features. For more information, see Add, promote, and remove ideas in your roadmaps. Directly adding an idea to your roadmap doesn't promote the idea to a feature and so isn't visible on external versions of your roadmap. For more information, see Share roadmaps.
August 2024
Edit labels
You can edit the names of labels attached to your feedback items and ideas without affecting the automation rules, feedback items, ideas, and saved feedback views they're already associated with. For more information, see Organize Listen data with labels.
Share roadmaps
You can share your roadmap with others using the Share button at the top of your roadmap. You can choose to share with specific people within your Pendo subscription, share with the whole Pendo subscription, and share a public version of your roadmap externally. For more information and instructions, see Share roadmaps.
Multiple apps
You can assign multiple applications to a feedback item or idea in Listen. For information about submitting feedback through a feedback form, see Collect customer feedback.
July 2024
View ideas links to a Jira issue
The Jira integration with Pendo Listen has been updated to include a Pendo section in a Jira ticket that lists linked ideas. When you select one of these ideas, it automatically opens in Pendo Listen. For more information, see Jira integration with Pendo Listen.
Automation rules builder (beta)
Automation rules in Listen allow you to define rules that automatically assign Apps, Product Areas, and labels to feedback as it comes in. For more information, see Manage feedback with automation rules.
Multiple Product Areas
You can assign multiple Product Areas to a feedback item or idea in Listen. For more information, including best practices and instructions, see Best practices for Product Areas and labels in Listen.
June 2024
AI-assisted summary
Minor UI changes were made to the AI-powered summary in a feedback view. For information, see View feedback insights.
Favorite roadmaps
You can favorite roadmaps from the list of roadmaps in Listen > Roadmaps. Sort the table using the star column, or use the star icon in the top filters to only show your favorite roadmaps. This helps you quickly access the roadmaps that matter most to you. For more information on roadmaps, see Roadmaps in Listen.
May 2024
Pendo Discover to Listen rebranding
Pendo Discover is rebranded as Pendo Listen to better reflect our commitment to help you listen to your users.
Integrate Jira with Pendo Listen
You can turn ideas into Jira tickets with our Jira integration. This helps you unify the feedback and prioritization process by using the feedback you've already created in Listen as supporting evidence for engineering tickets. For more information, see Jira integration with Pendo Listen.
March 2024
Fix issues with your CSV file upload
A new step has been added to the process for uploading feedback to Discover with a CSV file. This allows you to review and fix issues with your file within Pendo. For instructions, see Connect feedback sources.
February 2024
Bulk-link feedback items to an idea
You can select multiple feedback items in a saved feedback view and then link them to an idea in bulk. For more information, see Link feedback items to ideas and Manage feedback in Discover.
Automatically create titles for poll responses send to Discover
Create titles for guide poll responses that you send to Discover as feedback items. If you have feedback summaries enabled in Subscription settings, Pendo automatically creates titles based on the response description for each feedback item created. For more information, see Overview of Pendo Discover and Collect customer feedback.
Add feedback sources
You can add feedback responses to Discover at scale with CSV uploads and guide imports, and enable customer-facing colleagues to submit feedback from Salesforce. For more information, see Collect customer feedback.
January 2024
Link feedback items to ideas (beta)
When you turn on suggested ideas, our AI assistant suggests ideas that you might want to link to feedback items in Discover. You can accept or reject linking suggestions. To turn on this AI feature, go to Settings > Subscription Settings, and select Enable suggested ideas under AI Features. For more information, see Overview of Pendo Discover and Link feedback items to ideas.
Promote ideas to features on your roadmaps (beta)
You can promote ideas to roadmap features from the Actions menu within the details panel for each idea. For instructions, see Add, promote, and remove ideas in your roadmaps. For an overview of other actions that you can take from within individual ideas, see Act on ideas.
December 2023
Actions on an idea
You can complete the following actions from the details of an individual idea in Discover > Validate by opening the Actions menu: create a segment from idea voters, add a workaround, and link to feedback items. For a summary of these actions, see Manage ideas.
Watch feedback item replays
Session Replay customers can watch a replay of the visitor as they were submitting the feedback form within the last 30 days. For more information, see View and edit feedback details in the Manage feedback article. For information about replays, see Session Replay overview.
November 2023
Starting month for Quarter 1
For timeline roadmaps, you can choose which month your Q1 starts in to align your roadmaps with your planning cycles. Months are visible on the timeline. For more information, see Roadmaps in Pendo and Create and edit roadmaps.
You can add starting months to existing timeline roadmaps that were created before this release. When you open a roadmap that doesn't have a starting month for Q1, a window opens and asks you to enter a month.
October 2023
Solve problems with idea workarounds
You can add workarounds to ideas to help your customers solve problems and achieve their goals. Link feedback items to ideas to help keep customers updated about related workarounds. For more information, see Manage ideas and Add workarounds to an idea.
Now, Next, Later template availability
The Now, Next, Later roadmap template is available to all customers with access to Engage Roadmaps. For more information, see Roadmaps in Pendo and Create and edit roadmaps.
September 2023
Add to roadmap and backlog experience
You can add new items to your roadmap using the + Create Item button in the top-right corner of your roadmap or from within a swimlane in your roadmap. You can also drag-and-drop items from your backlog into your roadmap either from the Backlog button in the top-right corner of your roadmap or from within a swimlane in your roadmap. For more information, see Create and edit roadmaps.
Statuses in Roadmaps
You can set statuses for your roadmap initiatives and features using the dropdown menu in the right-side details panel for the individual initiative or feature. For more information, see Roadmaps in Pendo.
Now, Next, Later template availability (open beta)
The Now, Next, Later (beta) roadmap template is available to all customers with access to Engage Roadmaps. For more information, see Roadmaps in Pendo and Create and edit roadmaps.
August 2023
Roadmap templates (closed beta)
July 2023
Delete an idea from the Ideas table
You can delete an idea from the Ideas list in Validate. Hover over the idea you want to delete and select the trash icon at the end of the row. For more information about the Ideas list, see Manage ideas.
Full-screen view for creating Ideas
When you create an idea from the Ideas tab in Validate, you're taken to a form that spans the page to give you better visibility of all the fields. For a screenshot of what this looks like, see Create and test ideas.
June 2023
Single-page view for Idea Tests
As well as the multi-page view, you can now choose to create idea tests that present ideas for visitors to vote on in a single-page view. For information about the end-user experience of single-page and multi-page idea test views, see Create and test ideas.
April 2023
New "not interested" option for voters
Ideas created in Validate can be rated by importance: Must Have, Nice to Have, or Not Interested. For more information, see Manage ideas. For information on how these importance levels can be used for defining segment rules, see Create segments from idea voters.
Updated permissions in Validate
You can now choose between Administrator, Viewer, Contributor, and Manager roles for Validate. The default for new users is Contributor, which has Viewer permissions as well as the ability to create and delete ideas, and to add and remove their own votes. For more information, see Manage ideas.
March 2023
New ROI tab
Validate now has an ROI tab to help you understand the return on investment (ROI) as a result of using Validate and the impact it's having on your organization. For more information, see View return on Investment (ROI) for idea tests in the Test ideas article.
Create segments based on voting behavior in Validate
You can use the idea-voting behavior as the data source for defining a segment rule. For more information and instructions on creating segments based in voting behavior, see Create segments from idea voters.
Sharing and exporting roadmaps
You can share your roadmap with internal users and grant them either Viewer or Editor access. You can either share with specific people or copy the link. You can also download your roadmap as an image to share with customers. For more information, see Create and edit roadmaps.
Resizing items in your roadmap
You can resize items on your roadmap so that they start and finish where you need them to along the timeline. This includes the individual features nested within an initiative. For more information, see Create and edit roadmaps.
New experience for adding items to your roadmap
Use the + Add to Roadmap button to create new features or initiatives and to add items from your backlog to your roadmap. For more information, see Create and edit roadmaps.
January 2023
Navigation changes
If you're on a smaller screen, the Validate page is found by choosing More in the left-side navigation and then selecting Validate from the dropdown menu.
Validate ideas
We released validate as a beta offering accessed from the left-side menu in Pendo, allowing you to create product Ideas that you can add votes to and test by capturing real responses from your target audience. For more information, see Manage ideas.